a). You have 30 days to return an unused product, starting from when you receive your order.
b). If the product is not yet in stock or sold out, please click the 'Notify me when available' button and we will send an email if / when your size is available. If your order is confirmed, but the product can’t be delivered, you will be contacted as soon as possible.
c). If you have been delivered a wrong product or if the product is faulty, you should immediately notify customer service via email at info(at) (Office hours Monday to Friday 8am to 3.30 pm GMT +2).
d). If an order is not picked up at the post office, the customer has to pay for shipping.
e). Confirmation of order: the contract between and the customer becomes binding when the customer has confirmed these terms of delivery and accepted the order.
f). Prices and product information: all prices include VAT. You can review taxes on the order confirmation. is not responsible for mistakes in pricing and product information and reserves the right to cancel orders. Delivery outside the EU: The prices do not include VAT. is not responsible for the taxes or customs duties when shipping outside the EU.
g). Any questions can be addressed to our customer service at info(at)
h). cannot be held responsible for problems with delivery resulting from force majeure –reasons, such as wars, natural disasters, import- or export bans, authoritative decisions or similar events beyond the control of, which prevents a party from complying with any of its obligations under the contract.